APIT & Trigger Point Injections

Acupuncture point injection therapy refers to a medical procedure where various substances are injected directly into specific points or regions in the body to alleviate pain, promote healing, or address other health concerns. The nature of the substance being injected can vary, depending on the condition being treated, and may include vitamins, herbal pain relief, or other homeopathic remedies.

Candidates for Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy

Injection therapy is not universally suitable for everyone. Ideal candidates often have chronic musculoskeletal or joint pain, especially when that pain can be traced back to specific, localized points. Patients with chronic tension headaches, fibromyalgia, or myofascial pain syndrome, which is characterized by pain in specific regions, or acupuncture points, in muscles, can be particularly good candidates. Additionally, those with injuries that aren't responding well to other therapies or have a chronic nature might also benefit.


  • Vitamin b12 (methylated)

  • Traumeel: pain, trigger points, sprains, joint dysfunction, and inflammation

  • Zeel: bone fractures, slow healing bones, bone pain, degenerative arthritis, spinal conditions, joint stiffness

  • Arnica: typically used for muscle pain, bruising, and swelling

  • Facial injections (guna made)

  • Glutathione: detoxification, improving egg or sperm quality, skin conditions

  • Engystol: colds, flu, viruses, fever. protocol can be used like a flu vaccine.

  • Calmvalera: restlessness, sleep disorders/insomnia, depression, mental exhaustion

  • Lymphaden: swollen lymph nodes, lymphatic edema, lymph conditions

  • Gelsemium: painful nerve conditions (i.e. postherpatic neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica, etc)

  • Spascupreel: muscle cramps and spasms in organs such as stomach, gallbladder, uterus, urinary tract, as well as painful periods, muscle spasms, and fibromyalgia.


APIT blends the best of both worlds—time-honored acupuncture techniques with the immediate effects of modern injectables. It’s not just about symptom relief; it’s about enhancing your body’s natural healing processes in a profound way that you can feel immediately.


This therapy is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupuncture traditionally involves inserting thin needles into specific points (acupuncture points) to balance the body's energy flow or "Qi." In acupuncture point injection therapy (APIT), not only are needles inserted into these acupuncture points, but therapeutic agents are also injected to enhance the treatment's effects. Trigger point injections are based in western medicine. A trigger point is a taut, painful band of muscle fibers that can disrupt function and cause referred pain point injections involve inserting a needle directly into these painful spots to introduce a therapeutic agent to alleviate the pain and relax the muscle. This treatment can be particularly effective for conditions like myofascial pain syndrome, tension headaches, and certain forms of chronic pain where these acupuncture points contribute significantly to the patient's discomfort. The primary purpose of acupuncture point injection therapy (APIT) is to combine the benefits of acupuncture with the therapeutic effects of the injected agents, addressing both energy imbalances in TCM terms and physical or biochemical issues. Needles are inserted into traditional acupuncture points, which are specific points mapped out on the body's meridians or energy pathways. The injected substances can vary but often include vitamins, saline, homeopathic remedies, or Chinese herbal extracts. The choice of substance depends on the condition being treated and the principles of TCM. Commonly used trigger point injection substances include local anesthetics (like lidocaine), saline, or corticosteroids. These agents aim to numb the area, reduce inflammation, or both. Practitioners usually require specific training and certification in both injection and acupuncture therapy, often regulated by acupuncture or TCM boards. APIT is used to treat a wide range of conditions, from pain to internal disorders, based on TCM diagnostic principles.

Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy

While both therapies involve injection at specific points in the body, acupuncture point injection therapy is grounded in Traditional Chinese Medicine and targets acupuncture points to balance body energy. In contrast, trigger point injections stem from Western medicine practices and directly target muscle knots to alleviate pain. We utilize both APIT and Trigger Point injections as warranted at Art of Acupuncture.


It is essential to recognize that acupuncture point injection therapy is not suitable for everyone, and there can be contraindications based on a person's medical history or the nature of their condition. As such, it should be administered by trained professionals after a thorough assessment of the patient. Here are some potential use cases for point injection therapy in St. Petersburg, FL.

  • Joint Pain & Arthritis: Injections into or around a joint can help reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.

  • Tendinitis and Bursitis: Inflammation of tendons (tendinitis) or bursa (bursitis) can be treated by injecting anti-inflammatories directly at the site.

  • Neuralgia: Pain resulting from nerve irritation might benefit from injections of nerve blocking agents.

  • Osteoarthritis: Degenerative joint diseases can sometimes be managed by injecting therapeutic agents to reduce pain and inflammation.

  • Discogenic Pain: Some types of back pain originating from the intervertebral discs can be treated with injections.


This was my first experience with acupuncture. Art of Acupuncture was recommended by my cousins. The office is very nice, the staff is great and Hannah specifically is very knowledgeable medically and takes the time to understand your issues and explains the treatment fully. The procedure itself is painless and honestly I found it very relaxing. I believe it helped my neck even after one treatment. My only regret is that I don’t live here so I could get more treatments.
— Timothy Riedel
Dr. Hannah is really wonderful. She is so kind, caring, and compassionate. She takes the time to listen to my concerns and then explain the next steps in my treatment plan. She is excellent at easing anxiety associated with other outside factors and bringing you into a calm and relaxed state. I feel like I can tell her anything that is on my mind and she will compassionately listen and provide treatment that helps with my condition. I’m so glad I found Art of Acupuncture!
— Carolyn Ibrahim Pavlich


Acupuncture point injection therapy (APIT) combines traditional acupuncture with the injection of therapeutic substances into specific acupuncture points. The therapy aims to amplify the therapeutic effects by merging the benefits of acupuncture with the administered substances. Here are some of the primary indications for acupuncture point injection therapy:

Musculoskeletal Disorders

  • Pain Management: APIT can be used to treat various types of pain, including acute and chronic pain, stemming from musculoskeletal issues.

  • Arthritis: Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers might find relief from inflammation and pain through APIT.

  • Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia: Patients with these conditions might benefit from the dual action of acupuncture and the therapeutic effects of the injected substance.

point injection therapy for musculoskeletal disorders
injection therapy for headaches

Neurological Disorders

  • Migraine and Tension Headaches: APIT can help reduce the frequency and severity of these headaches.

  • Neuropathies: Conditions such as diabetic neuropathy or other peripheral neuropathies might find symptom relief with APIT.

Respiratory Issues

  • Asthma and Allergies: APIT can help in managing respiratory conditions by reducing inflammation and improving lung function.

  • Bronchitis: Some chronic bronchitis patients might benefit from the immunomodulatory effects of certain injectables.

acupuncture point injection therapy for respiratory issues
acupuncture point injection therapy for digestive disorders

Digestive Disorders

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): APIT might help regulate digestive function and alleviate IBS symptoms.

  • Chronic Constipation: Acupuncture combined with the effects of injectables might stimulate bowel movements and improve gut function.

Gynecological & Reproductive

  • Menstrual Disorders: Conditions like dysmenorrhea (painful periods) or irregular menstrual cycles might be managed with APIT.

  • Menopausal Symptoms: Hot flashes, night sweats, and other menopausal symptoms can be alleviated using APIT.

point injection therapy for gynecological & reproductive
injection therapy for mental and emotional well-being

Mental and Emotional Well-being

  • Stress and Anxiety: By targeting specific acupuncture points related to relaxation and mood regulation, APIT can offer relief from stress and anxiety.

  • Depression: Some patients with mild to moderate depression might find APIT beneficial, especially when combined with other treatments.

Skin Conditions

  • Acne and Eczema: Some skin conditions might respond positively to APIT, especially if the underlying cause is inflammatory or immune-mediated.

  • Facial Rejuvenation: Some practitioners use APIT as an aesthetic treatment for reducing wrinkles, tightening skin, and promoting a youthful appearance.

acupuncture point injection therapy for skin conditions

acupuncture point injection therapy for additional body issues

Additional Uses

  • Immune Boosting: APIT can sometimes be used as an adjunctive treatment to improve immune system function, especially with the injection of specific vitamins or herbal extracts.

  • Chronic Fatigue: Some patients with persistent fatigue, not explained by other medical conditions, might benefit from the revitalizing effects of APIT.

  • Addictions: APIT can also be used as a supportive treatment in addiction therapy, especially in cases of tobacco or opioid dependence.


Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy (APIT) combines the principles of traditional acupuncture with the therapeutic benefits of injectable substances. Proper training, experience, and knowledge of both acupuncture and injection techniques are crucial for safe and effective treatment. This integrative approach offers several benefits:

  • Enhanced Efficacy: Combining the benefits of acupuncture with therapeutic substances can amplify the therapeutic effects, making treatments more potent than traditional acupuncture alone.

  • Rapid Pain Relief: For many patients, APIT provides faster relief from pain compared to other modalities, particularly for musculoskeletal complaints.

  • Reduced Inflammation: Certain injectables, like homeopathic solutions or vitamins, can reduce inflammation at the targeted points, further alleviating pain and promoting healing.

  • Muscle Relaxation: APIT can lead to immediate relaxation of muscle knots or spasms, especially when targeting specific trigger points.

  • Improved Circulation: By stimulating acupuncture points and introducing therapeutic agents, APIT can enhance blood flow to specific regions, promoting healing and nutrient delivery.

  • Mental and Emotional Well-being: Beyond physical benefits, APIT can help in managing stress, anxiety, and mood disorders by targeting acupuncture points linked to emotional health.

  • Flexibility in Treatment: APIT allows for a range of injectable substances, including vitamins, homeopathic solutions, saline, and herbal extracts, providing tailored treatments based on individual needs.

  • Long-lasting Effects: The effects of APIT can be more sustained than some other treatments, reducing the frequency of treatments needed for chronic conditions.

  • Holistic Approach: APIT addresses both the physical symptoms and the underlying imbalances in the body's energy or Qi, offering a more holistic approach to health and wellness.

  • Reduced Reliance on Pharmaceuticals: For some patients, APIT can reduce the need for pain medications or anti-inflammatories, providing a natural alternative with fewer side effects.

  • Boosted Immunity: Certain injectables used in APIT can stimulate the immune system, making it a potential preventive measure against infections or illnesses.

  • Rejuvenating Effects: Some practitioners use APIT for aesthetic purposes, including facial rejuvenation. The therapy can promote skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, and a youthful appearance.

  • Tailored Treatments: Since APIT can target specific acupuncture points related to particular conditions or symptoms, it allows for highly individualized treatments.


Before undergoing Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy (APIT), it's essential to relay your complete medical history and any current medications to your practitioner. On the day of your treatment, it's recommended to have a light meal a few hours prior and to avoid both alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours. Comfort is crucial, so opt for loose, easily accessible clothing. For hygiene purposes, ensure that the treatment areas are clean, but it's best to skip lotions or oils on those areas for the day. If it's your first time receiving APIT, it might be beneficial to approach the session with a calm mindset and ask your practitioner for a brief overview to set your expectations. Additionally, consider scheduling your session at a time when you can relax afterward, allowing your body to respond optimally to the therapy.

how to prepare for acupuncture point injection therapy


what to expect during acupuncture point injection therapy

During an Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy (APIT) session, patients can expect a fusion of traditional acupuncture with modern injection techniques. The practitioner will begin by identifying specific acupuncture points tailored to the patient's needs. Once these points are pinpointed, rather than inserting traditional acupuncture needles, the practitioner will use fine needles to inject therapeutic substances, such as vitamins or homeopathic solutions, directly into the selected points. The injection process is generally swift, and while some might experience a slight pinch or pressure upon needle insertion, the overall procedure is designed to be as minimally invasive and comfortable as possible.


  • Most patients report that acupuncture point injection therapy feel similar to traditional acupuncture, with a slight pinch or pressure upon needle insertion. The discomfort is generally minimal, and the practitioner will aim to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

  • After APIT, it's common to feel a sense of relaxation or relief in the targeted areas. Some patients might experience temporary redness, swelling, or minor bruising at the injection sites. It's advised to avoid strenuous activity immediately after the procedure and to follow any specific aftercare instructions provided by the practitioner.

  • Potential side effects, though rare, can include allergic reactions to the injected substances, infection at the injection site, and minor bleeding or bruising. Always ensure the therapy is conducted by a trained and certified practitioner to minimize risks.

  • APIT may not be suitable for individuals with certain allergies, especially if related to the injectable substances. Those with blood-clotting disorders, those on anticoagulant medications, pregnant women, or individuals with compromised immune systems should consult with their healthcare provider before undergoing APIT.

  • Many patients report immediate relief or improvement after a session, especially in cases of pain management. However, the onset of effects might vary depending on the condition being treated and the substances used.

  • The duration of the effects can vary based on the individual and the condition being treated. Some experience relief for a few days, while others might benefit for weeks. Regular sessions may be recommended for chronic conditions to maintain the therapeutic benefits.


OUR OFFICE: 2941 5th Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33713

HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday — Thursday: 8:30am — 6:30pm & Friday — Saturday: 9:00am — 5:00pm

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